Texas Counties Deliver – learn how county government serves you

Justice of the Peace Precinct 1&4
Judge Denise Gray

110 S. Sycamore, Room 105
Carthage, TX 75633

Phone: (903) 693-0375
Fax: (903) 694-2674
Email: PanolaJP1@gmail.com
Justice of the Peace Precinct 2&3 
Judge Maria Hernandez 

110 S. Sycamore, Room 212
Carthage, TX 75633

Phone: (903) 693-0377
Fax: (903) 693-4708
Email: jp2@co.panola.tx.us

Click on the Traffic Payment Logo to pay your tickets online.
Traffic Payment
Pay your fines/fees by phone at 1-800-444-1187 with an Operator, in English/Spanish



Click on the Image Below to pay your Criminal & Civil Fines / Fees.